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Change In Name LLP

We handle everything from conducting a name availability search to obtaining necessary approvals. With Legal251 by your side, your LLP can embrace a new identity and stay ahead in the competitive market.

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Transform and revitalize your Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) with Legal251's seamless Change in Name LLP service. Our expert team will guide you whether you're rebranding, expanding, or seeking legal compliance. We handle everything from conducting a name availability search to obtaining necessary approvals. With Legal251 by your side, your LLP can embrace a new identity and stay ahead in the competitive market. Don't let administrative hassles hold you back; let us take care of the legalities while you focus on growing your business. Elevate your LLP's image and credibility with a smooth and efficient name change tailored to meet your unique needs. Trust Legal251 for a successful transition that reflects your business's evolving aspirations.

  How to apply 


Legal Identity

Changing the name of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) provides a distinct legal identity, enabling better brand recognition and representation in the market.

Rebranding Opportunities

A name change allows an LLP to reposition, rebrand, or redefine its image to adapt to changing market dynamics and attract new clients or partners.

Enhanced Market Perception

A new name can improve the perception of the LLP, showcasing growth, innovation, and a fresh approach to business.

Compliance with Regulations

Changing the name of the LLP ensures compliance with local regulations and avoids conflicts with existing registered names.

Competitive Advantage

An updated name can set the LLP apart from competitors and potentially attract more business opportunities and collaborations.

Reflecting Business Evolution

If the LLP has expanded or diversified its services, a name change can accurately represent its current scope and expertise, aligning with its present business direction.

  Registration Process 

To keep you risk-free, our team will analyze your submitted documents, looking for any misleading or incorrect information.

Our professionals are here to help you with document requirements and licensing necessities.

Discuss with our professionals the reasons and desired name options during consultation.

We'll update you Once our team completes preparing the supporting documents and other formalities.

Obtain approvals and complete the process smoothly with Legal251's expert guidance, hassle-free, and compliant with regulations.



An LLP might change its name to rebrand, better reflect its business offerings, comply with regulations, or resolve conflicts with existing names.
The process involves obtaining approval from the designated authority, filing the necessary forms, updating legal documents, and issuing a public notice.
The duration may vary depending on the jurisdiction and government processing times, but it generally takes a few weeks to a few months.
Yes, the new name must not be identical or too similar to existing registered names, and it should comply with the naming guidelines set by the regulatory authorities.
The new name should not violate any intellectual property rights, be offensive or misleading, and not include certain restricted words.
Yes, there is usually a fee involved in applying for a name change.
The LLP must submit a resolution approving the name change, the revised LLP agreement, and other required documents to the concerned authority.
Yes, all partners must sign the resolution approving the name change.
The LLP should update all contracts, agreements, licenses, permits, and bank accounts with the new name to ensure continuity in operations.
If the application is rejected, the LLP must identify the reason for rejection and rectify the issues before applying.

  Why Choose Us? 

Growth & Improvement

We believe in growth and improvement at all costs. For us, growth is the law of life and it shall be fulfilled. We know the importance of business and its growth for you.

Support & Availability

We feel how much pain even a small problem or query can cause, that is the reason we are available to support you and solve any of such problems at every particular instance in time.

Experienced Team

All the members of our team are experienced individuals who believe in professionalism and customer satisfaction above all. Each one of them is passionate in their respective fields.


Any assigned task is of utmost importance to us, that's why our team members are always focused on taking care of even the smallest of our clients' needs and requirements.

Value for Money

We understand that the money being spent is hard-earned, therefore we utilize every single penny that you pay us in the most effective way possible hence providing the best value for money.

Care & Regards

We believe you to be a part of this family and that all your problems, as well as achievements, are our very own. Your interests are ours and their fulfillment is at the top in our regards.

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